Konwersja zdań z mowy zależnej na mowę pośrednią: Przykłady i zasady

Dodano: 05.12.2023 11:04:17


Zadanie polega na przekształceniu zdań z mowy zależnej na mowę pośrednią. Oto jak możesz to zrobić krok po kroku:

  1. Miranda said: “I’ve donated some money to the conservation charity.” Miranda said that she had donated some money to the conservation charity.

  2. Mike said: “The teacher is going to give us some extra lessons on computer programming.” Mike said that the teacher was going to give them some extra lessons on computer programming.

  3. Dave told Debbie: “Debbie, I’ll see you for lunch in the cafeteria.” Dave told Debbie that he would see her for lunch in the cafeteria.

  4. Sarah said: “I don’t really like going round exhibitions.” Sarah said that she didn’t really like going round exhibitions.

  5. Alison said: “I visited Frank in hospital yesterday afternoon.” Alison said that she had visited Frank in hospital the previous afternoon.

  6. Jason said: “I won’t have finished the essay by Friday.” Jason said that he wouldn’t have finished the essay by Friday.

  7. Mark said: “I’m not going to vote in the elections next month.” Mark said that he was not going to vote in the elections the following month.

  8. The receptionist asked: “Could you please take a seat, Mr Smith?” The receptionist asked Mr Smith if he could please take a seat.

  9. The policeman warned: “Don’t leave town without informing us, Mike.” The policeman warned Mike not to leave town without informing them.

  10. Jake said: “Why don’t we go for a coffee, Marie?” Jake asked Marie why they didn’t go for a coffee.

Kiedy zmieniamy zdania z mowy zależnej na mowę pośrednią, ważne jest, by pamiętać o następujących zasadach: - Czasy gramatyczne często się zmieniają (np. “is going” na “was going”, “will” na “would”). - Zaimki osobowe muszą być dostosowane do kontekstu (np. “I” na “she”, “us” na “them”). - Wskazania czasowe i miejsca mogą się zmieniać (np. “yesterday” na “the previous day”, “next month” na “the following month”).

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