Złapanie samolotu w ostatniej chwili: Przygoda z transportem publicznym

Dodano: 11.12.2023 01:10:33


Na początku wypełnijmy frazy z podanymi słowami:

  • go by bus
  • miss the bus / plane / train
  • catch the bus / car / plane / train
  • get on a bus / plane / train
  • get off a bus / plane / train
  • get in a car
  • get out of a car

Teraz uzupełnijmy tekst, używając powyższych fraz w odpowiedniej formie:

  1. I got up early in order not to miss my plane at 10am. After eating breakfast, I decided to catch the bus to the airport. I waited at the bus stop for 20 minutes, but my bus didn’t arrive.
  2. I still had plenty of time so I decided to go by train instead. I walked to the nearby railway station and waited for the airport express. I caught the train at 8am, but after 30 minutes, it suddenly stopped. The driver announced that it had broken down and that the next one would arrive in 20 minutes! I started to panic, so I decided to get out of the train and try to catch a taxi on the street. I saw a blue Mercedes with a yellow taxi light and stopped it immediately. After I got in the taxi, I told the driver to take me to the airport as quickly as possible. I got off the taxi at 9am and paid the fare. I was just in time to check in for my flight.

W pierwszym zdaniu użycie “miss my plane” wynika z kontekstu, ponieważ narrator planuje podróż samolotem. W drugim zdaniu, “catch the bus” odnosi się do próby złapania autobusu na lotnisko. W trzecim zdaniu, “go by train” to zmiana środka transportu na pociąg. W czwartym zdaniu, “caught the train” pasuje, bo narrator zdążył na pociąg. W piątym zdaniu, narrator decyduje się “get out of the train” po awarii pociągu i próbuje “catch a taxi”. W szóstym zdaniu, “got in the taxi” oznacza wsiadanie do taksówki, a “got off the taxi” oznacza wysiadanie z taksówki. Ostatnie zdanie z “check in for” odnosi się do procesu odprawy na lotnisku.

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