Dodano: 07.01.2024 13:03:50
Rozwiążmy to ćwiczenie krok po kroku, uzupełniając luki odpowiednimi słowami z ramki.
Mając to na uwadze, uzupełniony tekst będzie wyglądał następująco:
I’m looking for advice, please! I quit my job last week because it was very badly paid and the working conditions were terrible. Most employees worked long hours and did a lot of do to get the job done, which influenced their family lives badly! We never got any bonuses, even when we made good profits. The only good thing is that in the state where I live employers have to provide paid sick leave for their employees. I don’t mind working hard to overtime deadlines but the salary need to reflect this, surely. So, I’m looking for a job which offers a reasonable salary and where the chances of getting a promotion are good. Can anyone help me? Anything, as long as I don’t have to work long hours - I need my sleep!
Słowa “earnings” i “permanent” nie zostały użyte w tekście, więc są to dwa dodatkowe słowa, o których wspomniano w instrukcji.
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