Uzupełnij zdania - Ćwiczenia z czasownikami i formami -ing

Dodano: 30.01.2024 12:43:39


Zadanie polega na uzupełnieniu zdań używając podanych wyrażeń w odpowiedniej formie, dodając końcówkę -ing lub inną, jeśli jest to konieczne. Postaram się pomóc krok po kroku.

  1. Someone has to have (have to) these on the floor?
    • Someone must have dropped (must/have drop) these on the floor?
  2. We are visiting (visit/ing) our parents next weekend –
    • We are visiting (visit/ing) our parents next weekend – the plane tickets are booked.
  3. I love making pottery with my sister; but I’m not as skilled (skill/ed) as she is (be).
    • I love making pottery with my sister; but I’m not as skilled (skill/ed) as she is (be).
  4. I stopped buying (stop/buy/ing) an umbrella as it had started raining.
    • I stopped to buy (stop/buy) an umbrella as it had started raining.
  5. Toby nearly drowned, but his two cousins pulled (cousin/pull/ed) him up (pull/up) from the water.
    • Toby nearly drowned, but his two cousins pulled (cousin/pull/ed) him up (pull/up) from the water.
  6. When the bird comes to drink (come/drink), I’ll take a photo of it.
    • When the bird comes to drink (come/drink), I’ll take a photo of it.
  7. If you don’t wear a helmet, you’re hurting (hurt/ing) yourself in the case of a fall.
    • If you don’t wear a helmet, you’ll hurt (hurt) yourself in the case of a fall.
  8. Toby’s parents are bringing (bring/ing) him to an amusement park next weekend for his birthday.
    • Toby’s parents are bringing (bring/ing) him to an amusement park next weekend for his birthday.
  9. You don’t need to do (need/not/do) your homework today – you can do it tomorrow.
    • You don’t need to do (need/not/do) your homework today – you can do it tomorrow.
  10. My older brother was the only person (one/person) I told my good news to – the next was my dad.
    • My older brother was the only person (one/person) I told my good news to – the next was my dad.
  11. Mary’s friend apologized for not calling (apologise/not/call) – she had promised to open (open) a window.
    • Mary’s friend apologized for not calling (apologise/not/call) – she had promised to open (open) a window.
  12. My little brother used to be able (be/able) to swim when he was five years old.
    • My little brother used to be able (be/able) to swim when he was five years old.
  13. A ruler is used for drawing (use/draw) straight lines.
    • A ruler is used for drawing (use/draw) straight lines.
  14. It must rain (must/rain) heavily outside – you’re soaking wet!
    • It must be raining (must/rain/ing) heavily outside – you’re soaking wet!
  15. He complains of having (complain/have) too much work to do.
    • He complains of having (complain/have) too much work to do.
  16. I think you’re looking at (you/look/ing) a glass – I saw them there earlier.
    • I think you’re looking at (you/look/ing) a glass – I saw them there earlier.
  17. Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever spent (you/ever/spend) time in?
    • Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever spent (you/ever/spend) time in?
  18. Only one other athlete ran as quickly (quick/ly) as my brother, so he won (win) the silver medal.
    • Only one other athlete ran as quickly (quick/ly) as my brother, so he won (win) the silver medal.
  19. My dad always encourages me to stand (encourage/I/stand) up for myself.
    • My dad always encourages me to stand (encourage/I/stand) up for myself.
  20. Jessie is going to the cinema (go/cinema) every Friday evening.
    • Jessie is going to the cinema (go/cinema) every Friday evening.
  21. When I fell over, Johnny helped me get (help/I/get) up.
    • When I fell over, Johnny helped me get (help/I/get) up.
  22. The coach chose the tallest woman (tall/woman) on the basketball team.
    • The coach chose the tallest woman (tall/woman) on the basketball team.
  23. With sailing, Joe finally found (final/find) a hobby he loves.
    • With sailing, Joe finally found (final/find) a hobby he loves.
  24. If you want to eat something (some/eat), help yourself from the fridge.
    • If you want to eat something (some/eat), help yourself from the fridge.
  25. In order to pass the exams, Fran studied continuously (study/continuous) for three months – and she got top marks.
    • In order to pass the exams, Fran studied continuously (study/continuous) for three months – and she got top marks.
  26. That’s the man whose child (who/child) I see playing tennis together at the club sometimes.
    • That’s the man whose child (who/child) I see playing tennis together at the club sometimes.
  27. The boy stopped an old couple and asked if they could (ask/they/can) call his parents.
    • The boy stopped an old couple and asked if they could (ask/they/can) call his parents.
  28. He couldn’t ride a bike at first, but he kept trying (keep/try/ing) and managed (manage) in the end.
    • He couldn’t ride a bike at first, but he kept trying (keep/try/ing) and managed (manage) in the end.
  29. Unless Mike stops eating (stop/eat/ing) such unhealthy food, he’ll always have health problems.
    • Unless Mike stops eating (stop/eat/ing) such unhealthy food, he’ll always have health problems.

Zwróć uwagę, że czasami potrzebne jest użycie formy czasownika z końcówką -ing, a czasami konieczne jest dodanie inne formy czasownika lub formy przysłówka. Wszystkie odpowiedzi są poprawne gramatycznie, ale warto jeszcze raz sprawdzić, czy wszystko się zgadza.

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