"Zmiana formy zdań z użyciem określonych słów"

Dodano: 02.12.2023 11:21:02


Zadanie polega na przepisaniu podanych zdań, używając podanych w nawiasach słów tak, aby zmienić formę zdania, ale nie zmienić jego znaczenia. Oto gotowe odpowiedzi:

  1. The children are bored with playing the board game.
  2. These two projects hardly differ.
  3. No other employee in our group is as hard working as Greg.
  4. If it hadn’t been for our sponsors’ support, we wouldn’t have succeeded in the campaign.
  5. Only when we opened the vault did we realize that it was empty.
  6. I expected the receiver to come up to a much better quality.
  7. We insist that you investigate the case.
  8. Adam had better apologize to Mrs Perry at once.
  9. The visitors’ team has hardly scored any points so far.
  10. Mr Robbins was the first to speak for the rights of the racial minorities.

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