Użycie Present Perfect i Past Simple w zdaniach - Rozwiązania

Dodano: 16.01.2024 11:16:44


Oto rozwiązanie zadań:

  1. Przykład już jest zrobiony: “Betty and I have loved horse-riding since we were kids.”

  2. Kate has not failed any online tests yet.
  3. George did not revise for the test last week, but he passed.
  4. Did you do well when you were in primary school?
  5. Mr Grand is on TV. He has just won first prize in the swimming competition.

Wyjaśnienie rozwiązań krok po kroku:

  1. Używamy Present Perfect (“has not failed”), ponieważ mówimy o doświadczeniu w życiu Kate, które jest ważne do teraz (“yet” wskazuje na to, że chodzi o okres do teraz).

  2. Używamy Past Simple (“did not revise”), ponieważ mówimy o konkretnym zdarzeniu w przeszłości, które miało miejsce w zeszłym tygodniu.

  3. Używamy Past Simple (“Did you do”), ponieważ pytanie dotyczy konkretnego okresu w przeszłości, kiedy osoba była w szkole podstawowej.

  4. Używamy Present Perfect (“has just won”), ponieważ mówimy o czymś, co właśnie się wydarzyło i ma związek z teraźniejszością (Mr Grand jest teraz w telewizji).

Here is the solution to the exercises:

  1. The example is already done: “Betty and I have loved horse-riding since we were kids.”

  2. Kate has not failed any online tests yet.
  3. George did not revise for the test last week, but he passed.
  4. Did you do well when you were in primary school?
  5. Mr Grand is on TV. He has just won first prize in the swimming competition.

Step-by-step explanation of the solutions:

  1. We use Present Perfect (“has not failed”) because we are talking about Kate’s life experience, which is relevant up to now (“yet” indicates that it’s a period up to the present).

  2. We use Past Simple (“did not revise”) because we are referring to a specific event that happened in the past, last week.

  3. We use Past Simple (“Did you do”) because the question is about a specific time in the past, when the person was in primary school.

  4. We use Present Perfect (“has just won”) because we are talking about something that has just happened and is related to the present (Mr Grand is on TV now).

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