Dodano: 15.01.2024 21:32:11
Zadanie polega na wybraniu odpowiedniego słowa, aby uzupełnić luki w tekście. Wybieramy słowo z trzech opcji podanych dla każdej luki.
Ostateczne uzupełnienie luk wygląda następująco: 1) case 2) when 3) real 4) sound 5) about
Tekst po uzupełnieniu: “We all know that the aim of advertising is to persuade people to buy a particular product. Therefore, you would probably expect advertisements to emphasise the quality or value of a product, but this is not always the case … These days, advertising agencies recognise that, to really sell a product, it’s not a customer’s head that is worth capturing, but their heart. Scientific research shows that, when it comes to adverts, people respond more to emotion than they do to factual information. As a result, advertisements today tend to be far more emotional than they are informative. For example, it’s common to see advertisements that tell an emotional story, in which the real product being advertised plays a very small part. Also, interestingly, the overriding emotion of these stories is not always happiness. It might sound strange, but one of the truths of modern advertising is that ‘sadness sells’. It seems that people are very responsive to sad stories for which they can feel sympathy and compassion. This shows that we all share the desire about deep human connections, but it’s perhaps worth remembering that, with SADvertising, there’s always somebody cashing in on your heartbreak.”
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